stories4change (s4c)

story n. 1. a factual or fictional narrative or script. 2. a recounting of a sequence of events.
change n. 1. the process of becoming different. 2. a movement from one state to another.

Definitions from an amalgamation of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, the On-line Wikipedia Encyclopedia, and the Dictionary of Transactional Analysis.


counselling IThese are extraordinary times we live in, with extraordinary pressures. Never before have we, as human beings, been in a place where our actions and lifestyles are being seen to adversely affect the whole planet and all the life that is dependent upon it, including our own. Within this context, how do we establish a narrative that restores and maintains balance and grow wellbeing and welldoing? – Individual, familial, community and planetary?

stories4change was founded in 2007 by Jonathan Blease as a film and media company, inspired from discussions with Mark Chaplin, Anna Birney and Nicola Millson. The focus was the production and realization of films, documentaries, and broadcast media that illustrate practical, achievable pathways to health and behaviour change, and greater sustainability and care of the planet.

From 2008 – 2012 Clive Ardagh joined s4c as an official partner, working on documentaries including Animate Earth: Science, Intuition & Gaia.

In 2013 s4c extended its services to include individual & group therapeutic counselling & psychotherapy, and training & research. The long term goal was to establish a therapeutic wellbeing & welldoing center and network of counsellors, psychotherapists, body workers and trainers, which would include a film and media center.

All images © stories4change
Marsh Harrier & Owl Images courtesy of Robert Jervis, Lizzard Enterprises, Somerset, UK
Blue Green Planet Image courtesy of NASA Images, USA